of special interest
DI22A-05. S and P-wave velocity
structure beneath the Hawaiian hotspot from the
PLUME deployments of ocean-bottom and land seismometers
C.J. Wolfe et al.
DI22A-08. Post-shield and rejuvenated
lavas sample homogeneous components in the source
of the Hawaii mantle plume
D. Weis et al.
T43K-01. The seismic structure
of the mantle beneath Iceland
J.E. Ritsema et al.
T43K-02. Mantle dynamics beneath
the Pacific Northwest and the generation of post-20
Ma volcanism
M.D. Long et al.
T43K-03. Seismic evidence for intermittent
upwelling of hot lower mantle beneath Yellowstone
B. Schmandt et al.
T43K-04. Three-Dimensional Geophysical
Structure of the Yellowstone / Snake River Plain
Hotspot System: Is a Deep Mantle Plume Required?
M.J. Fouch et al.
T43K-05. Weak Intraplate Volcanism
Caused by Shear-Driven Upwelling
T.A. Bianco et al.
T43K-06. Mantle Heterogeneity and
Off Axis Volcanism on Young Pacific Lithosphere
N. Harmon et al.
T43K-08. Onset of Yellowstone-related
volcanism due to propagating rupture of the Farallon
L. Liu & D.R. Stegman
Generation of Alkalic Intraplate Basalts via
Partial Melting of a Carbonated Mantle
R. Dasgupta et al.
T44D-02. Evidence for metasomatic
enrichment in the oceanic lithosphere and implication
for the generation of intraplate basalts
S. Pilet et al.
Tracing the sublithospheric sources of continental
flood basalts: multi-elemental isotopic studies
on the recently found ferropicrites and meimechites
from the Karoo large igneous province
J.S. Heinonen et al.
T44D-07. Melting of the oceanic
crust in the stagnant slab at the mantle transition
zone: constraints from alkaline basalts in eastern
T. Sakuyama et al.
T44D-08. The Upper Mantle Shear
Boundary Layer Is The Source Of Midplate Volcanoes
D.L. Anderson
T51H-2456. Origin of the Early
Cretaceous continental intraplate volcanism, NW
Syria: melting of a metasomatised lithospheric
G.S. Ma et al.
T51H-2461. Heterogeneous refertilization
of the upper mantle beneath the Azorean volcanoes.
Evidence from mantle xenoliths
C. Cannatelli et al.
T51H-2476. Icelandic emergence:
an alternative vision based on the model of volcanic
C.B. Savry & E. Canon-Tapia
V51D-2535. Crustal structure of
Shatsky Rise from joint refraction and reflection
seismic tomography
J. Korenaga & W.W. Sager
V51E-2552. The origin of the Line
Islands: plate or plume controlled volcanism?
L.P. Storm et al.
The unusual Samoan hotspot: A “hotspot
highway” juxtaposed
with a trench
M.G. Jackson et al.
The Hawaii-Emperor Bend: Plate motion, plume
motion, or both?
P. Wessel
Motion of Hawaii and Louisville hotspots: Comparision
of modeling results with new age and paleolatitude
B.M. Steinberger et al.
V53G-04. Geodynamic Inferences
from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition
330 to the Louisville Seamount Trail
A.A. Koppers et al.
V53G-08. Ninetyeast Ridge Formed
as a Single, Near Spreading Center, Hotspot Track
M.S. Pringle et al.
On the Possible Relation of the Louisville Hotspot
and Ontong Java Plateau from Integrated Ocean
Drilling Program Expedition 330 Results
A.A. Koppers et al.
V54A-04. The Shatsky Rise Supervolcano
and the Formation of Oceanic Plateaus
W.W. Sager |