Foundations of Earth
Science: The top 100 publications
we don't know where we came from, we don't
know where we're going." |
Dana, J.D., Geology, in: Wilkes,
C. (ed.), United States Exploring Expedition, 10,
with atlas, Sherman, C., Philadelphia, PA., New
York, Putnam, 756 pp., 1849. |
Airy, G.B.,
On the computation of the effect of the attraction
of mountain-masses, as disturbing the apparent
astronomical latitude of stations in geodetic surveys, Phil.
Trans. R. Soc., 145, 101-104,
1855. |
Gilbert, G.K., A theory of
the earthquakes of the Great Basin, with a practical
application, Am. J. Sci., 27,
49-53, 1883. |
J., Theory of the Earth; with Proofs and Illustrations,
Edinburgh, William Creech, 2 vols., 1795, vol
III, Edited by Sir Archibald Geikie, Geological
Society, Burlington: House, London, 1899. |
Mohorovicic, A., Das Beben vom, 8.x.1909. Jb.
met. Obs. Zagreb (Agram.), 9, 1-63, 1909. |
Wager, L.R., and
Deer, W.A., The petrology of the Skaergaard
intrusion, Kangerdlugssuaq, East Grenland,
Medd. Gronland, 105, no. 4, 1-352,
1939. |
Milankovitch, M., Kanon der Erdbestrahlungen
und seine Anwendung auf das Eiszeitenproblem, published
in Belgrade: Zavod za Udzbenike i Nastavna Sredstva,
New English Translation, 1998:
M., Canon of Insolation and the Ice Age Problem.
With introduction and biographical essay by Nikola
Pantic, Alven Global, 636 pp., ISBN 86-17-06619-9. |
anniversary: Recovery of first basalt core by
scientific ocean drilling
Natland |
Sato, Y., Analysis
of dispersed surface waves, Bull. Earthquake
Res. Inst. Univ. Tokyo, 33,
33-48, 1955. |
Tuttle, O.F., and
N.L. Bowen, Origin of granite in the light of experimental
studies in the system NaAlSi3O8-KAlSi3O8-SiO2-H20, Geol.
Soc. Am. Mem., 74, 151 pp.,
1958. |
H.H., A history of Ocean Basins: in Engel,
A.E.J., James, H.L., and Leonard, B.F., eds.,
Petrologic Studies: A Volume in Honor of A.F.
Buddington: Boulder, CO, Geological Society of
America, p. 599-620, 1962. |
L.W. and A. Larochelle, 1964, Paleomagnetism as
a means of dating geological events, in F. F. Osborne,
ed., Geochronology in Canada, Royal Soc.
Canada Spec. Pub., 8, 39-51, University of Toronto
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comment. |
Wilson, J.T. (1965), Evidence from ocean islands suggesting movement in the Earth, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 258, 145-167. |
Birch, F., Speculations on the Earth's Thermal History, GSA Bull., 76, 133,1965. |
L.R., Mechanism of Earthquakes and Nature of
Faulting on the Mid-Oceanic Ridges, J. Geophys.
Res., 72, 2131–2153,
1967. |
B., Oliver, J. and Sykes, L.R., Seismology and
the New Global Tectonics, J. Geophys. Res., 73,
5855–5899, 1968. |
Pichon, X., Sea floor spreading and continental
drift, J. Geophys. Res., 73,
3661–3697, 1968. |
D.L., Petrology of the mantle, Min. Soc. Am.
Spec. Pap., 3, 85-93, 1970. |
Morgan, W. J. (1972), Plate Motions and Deep Mantle Convection, in Eds. R. Shagam, R. B. Hargraves, W. J. Morgan, F. B. Van Houten, C. A. Burk, H. D. Holland and L. C. Hollister, Studies in Earth and Space Sciences, Geological Society of America Memor 132, 7-22. |
F.M., Dynamical models for sea floor spreading, Rev.
Geophys. Space Phys., 11,
223–287, 1973. |
“...dubious mantle
plume...” |
it would be most helpful if someone
would explain...” |
Burke, K. & J.T. Wilson, Is the African plate stationary?, Nature, 239, 387-390, 1972.
Kröner, A., Comments on "Is the African plate stationary?", Nature, 243, 29-30, 1973. |
Turcotte, D.L. & E.R. Oxburgh, Mid-plate tectonics, Nature, 244, 337-339, 1973. |
explanation ... does suggest that the strength
of the plates strongly affects the distribution
of volcanoes.” |
J.D., Imbrie, J., Shackleton, N.J., Variations
in the Earth's orbit: Pacemaker of the ice ages, Science, 194,
1121-1132, 1976. |
J.C. & P.R. Vogt, Graphic solutions to problems
of plumacy, EOS Trans. AGU, 58, 573-580, 1977.
“Our extrapolations
from these data show that there will be 1,000,000
hot spots by the year 2000. We hope someone
proves that hot spots do not exist before it
is too late.” |
Cox, K.G., Flood basalts, subduction
and the break-up of Gondwanaland, Nature, 274,
47-49, 1978.
Anderson, D.L., Zhang, Y.-S. & Tanimoto, T., Plume heads, Continental lithosphere, flood basalts and tomography, in Storey, B.C., Alabaster, T. & Pankhurst, R.J. (eds.), Magmatism and the Causes of Continental Break-up, Geol Soc. Spec. Pub. 68, 99-124, 1992. |
P.R., Sharp, W.D., Deino, A.L., Orsi, G. and
Civetta, L., 40Ar/39Ar
dating into the historical realm: Calibration
against Pliny the Younger, Science, 277,
1279-1280, 1997.
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comment. |
G.K., Gurevich, A.B., Fedorenko, V., and Simonov,
O., Demise of the Siberian plume: Paleogeographic
and paleotectonic reconstruction from the prevolcanic
and volcanic records, North-Central Siberia, International
Geology Review, 40, 95–115,
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comment. |
J., M. Pagani, L. Sloan, E. Thomas and K. Billups,
Trends, rhythms, and aberrations in global climate
65 Ma to Present, Science, 292,
686-693, 2001. |
Niu, Y. & M.J. O'Hara,
2002, Global correlations of ocean ridge basalt
chemistry with axial depth: a new perspective, J. Pet., 49,
633-664, 2002. |
J.A., R.A. Duncan, D.W. Scholl, R.D. Cottrell,
B. Steinberger, T. Thordarson, B.C. Kerr, C.R.
Neal, F.A. Frey, M. Torii, C. Carvallo, The Emperor
seamounts: Southward motion of the Hawaiian hotspot
plume in Earth’s mantle, Science, 301,
1064-1069, 2003. |
M., K. Hirose, K. Kawamura, N. Sata, and Y.
Ohishi, Post-Perovskite Phase Transition in
MgSiO3, Science, 304,
855-858, 2004.
Oganov, A.R. and S. Ono, Theoretical and experimental
evidence for a post-perovskite phase of MgSiO3 in
Earth's D" layer, Nature, 430,
445-448, 2004.
Click here for
Y.L. & M.J. O'Hara,
Global correlations of ocean ridge basalt chemistry
with axial depth: A new perspective, J. Pet., 49, 633-664,
D.C., & and Gudmundur H. Gudfinnsson, Origin
of the Oceanic Lithosphere, J. Pet., 49,
615-632, 2008.
last updated 16th July, 2020 |
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