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Penrose Conference

Plume IV: Beyond the Plume Hypothesis
Tests of the plume paradigm and alternatives

August 25th – 29th, 2003, Hveragerdi, Iceland


Details of the conference
Opening address
Administrative & logistical report
Scientific report for the GSA website
Scientific report for GSA Today
Scientific report published in Current Science

Post-conference book: Information
Post-conference book: Submitted chapters
Post-conference book: Naming competition

Conference handbooks

Three handbooks were distributed at the Conference. The components of these may be downloaded from this site, as explained below, or a CD containing PDF versions of them may be requested from

  1. The Hotspot Handbook (334 pp), which contains a front end (an introduction, the agenda, a list of participants, geological background to Iceland and the Conference location, a relevant paper of historic interest, some famous quotes, and a list of all the abstracts) and the abstracts themselves.

To assemble a copy, download the front end (9.9 Mbyte file) and the individual abstracts.
To download a copy in a single PDF file (64 Mbyte file) click here.

  1. The Website Handbook (193 pp), which contains a brief background to, and printed copies of all the main web pages therein at the time of going to press in early August 2003.

To assemble a copy, download the front end (436 Kbyte file) and the individual webpages.

  1. The Fieldtrip Handbook (15 pp), which provided background information for the post-Conference fieldtrip.

To download a copy, click here (2.5 Mbyte file).
